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how do i earn money

(2 edits)

I can't seem to accept invites to the discord server.

The game looks good and I really like the MC design. I really wanna play this game but there are some characters in this gam that ain't my fav tbh. Welp, it's a shame for me rly.

how do you find the last 4 women in the gallery

Does anyone know where the 9th one is?

Is there any ways to get my old save


I was watching some of the scenes back while I was at the school. Now it is night time and I can't leave the school.

Does anyone know where I can find kitty head


how 2 get mony

(1 edit) (+1)

why all the goth hate like why hate on them dommy momies

edit. solid game ignore my past transgressions


did you ever solve sphenix's riddle? if so please tell me i cant figure it out for the life of me

Its 009 😁😁

How do I get dr.Frankenstein ? I know there is something to do with Sphinx.

My save files... all gone


Can we disable Alice's big black cock?

Or just a more appealing model in the same style as MC's.

(1 edit) (-2)

The fact you think the MC's model is more appealing than Alice's says quite a lot.

Why would you wanna do that?


By the time the cringy prologue finished, it made me loose all interest in continuing the game.

(1 edit)

What is the answer to this riddle? I can't see any clues about it at all.its in the replys


This riddle


did you find the answer im like about to go insane 

Its 009 😁😁

@thirtysevengaming I need the character cards for Koikatu (if it possible)

(1 edit)

what is the answer to this also what does the engineers Master key do


Thank you

Why make Alice a futa? I'm honestly questioning that since It would have been better if she wasn't.

Really love the game and the humor so far, hoping for more content with Sylvia. 

I've been trying to find downtown, I don't know where it is. Is it finished already or still on progress? If It's already finished, please tell me how to get there.

you have to talk the the landlord on Saturda

Do choices actually matter in this game will I miss out if I pick the wrong answer

There's probably no real choices that could determine your actions because most of the story are forced to interact with characters.


hey guys im having an issue when trying to run the game after i installed it. this is the error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading the script.

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'lastfn' referenced before assignment

does anyone know how to fix this?


The setting and characters are very confusing and there's a lot of grammatical errors that irritate me a bit, but.... this project is amusing.

The game is good but is crashed sometimes i play on android though hope thye updated faster there is so small activities can be done now and quest.more character will be good to and more scene too

(2 edits)

Add Madelyn and Lillianna scenes—PLEASE!! It is so sad to see Madelyn in the classroom and as wallpaper yet have her jack you off ONCE and it not being accessible through the h-scenes section and Lillianna having no more story, always saying “maxed affection” whilst lying there on the couch ASKING for more h-scenes.

Edit: I’m pretty new so I might have missed something. 😬

Someone knows how to get the riddle 8?

I cant find Giovanna, Frankenstien, or Malony. Finished all other content and spent 3 in-game weeks looking of them. Help pls?


Malony is in the phone, you can click in the right side to move to other page

Giovanna is in a demo in the locker of the changing room


You're beautiful, mate.

Veo que agregaste una versión en español a PC, la agregaras a android en algún momento? 


I don't the map can someone help me please

the game is very hui

Pls help me i cas find si last one pls kitty quest

I this was on MC's room at window


Can you add muscle growth?

(1 edit) (-1)

So tell me where kitty doll head si last one

The start of this game is way too filler...

How You get the left leg of the doll?

Find it and solve the riddle ;)


Uhhh what si that idk si really hard idk what pick




Please put thigh jobs in the game and options for hairy pussies please hair makes it 10x hotter 

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